Dragons, dragons, and more dragons is the theme for the challenge in September. This month's theme is inspired by the ‘House of the Dragons’ series.
All artists are invited to participate and the goal is to make a cool dragon head for this challenge, feel free to go crazy with the idea. There are some resources available for those in the Discord community to get you started but you don’t need to use them if you don’t want. This challenge is open for both 2D and 3D entries so you can sculpt and render your concept, or create an awesome illustration of it (even traditional media is allowed on this one).
- To be eligible for the price you need to share WIPs of your progress with the hashtag #SeptemberOfDragons on Instagram or in the #art-challenge-chat on Discord (if you want some feedback).
- For the final submission, you can share it on Instagram with the hashtag #SeptemberOfDragonsFinal or simply share it on the #art-submissions channel on Discord!
- The final image should be in a square format, minimum of 1500 x 1500 pixels. Only images in the #art-submission channel or with the hashtag #SeptemberOfDragonsFinal will be judged.
- The concept should be a dragon's head (you can do a full dragon but the judging will be of just the head).
- You can use any software you want but the work has to be done for this challenge (no recycling)
- You can use another artist's concept if you get permission and fully credit them.
The deadline will be on the 30th of September (11:59 PM AEST)
The winner gets:
- A copy of the brand new Filters pack for 2D sketches in ZBrush
- A one-on-one portfolio review session
- A surprise extra prize ;)