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The pack of filters for 2D Sketches is ready!

The pack of filters for 2D Sketches is ready!

The ZBrush filters pack to render 3D meshes as 2D Sketches is now available in the ZBrushGuides store!

The collection comes with 24 ready-to-use BPR settings to recreate the look and feel of Blue pencil sketches, graphite, pen, charcoal, and more. There are also 4 special filters and 3 custom MatCaps for a more advanced effect.

This pack of BPR filters is a fun and refreshing way of rendering your 3D meshes. I’m a huge fan of the ‘illustration’ look on 3D objects, so I wanted to create something that can be used on any mesh to recreate the effect of 2D sketches. The filters work really well on any type of mesh (hard-surface or organic) and all the settings can be tweaked to suit a more particular look if you want to.

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