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Just in case

Alien gun concept

Tutorial Snapshot.

Tutorial Video.

Quick Overview.

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

Alien gun concept

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

Alien gun concept

A Bit More About This Tutorial.

PART 1 – Blocking out the concept

The first 3 parts of the series are recordings from live stream sessions from #ZBrushLive

In this episode, we’ll set up the primary shapes of the alien gun based on a quick thumbnail sketch. I’ll walk you through a simple technique to ‘trace’ geometry over a reference image to generate geometry.

Using the latest SnapShot 3D feature in ZBrush 2019 could be an interesting alternative to the process I used in this first part.

PART 2 – Refining the sketch

In this second step of the process, we’ll start to use Dynamesh and fine-tune the shapes and volumes.

PART 3 – Adding details and custom alphas

In this third part, we refine some of the sketch transition and polish the surfaces. We’ll re-build the ‘plasma cylinders’ from scratch and create custom alphas with a simple, yet powerful, technique using a cube, Live booleans, insert meshes and the GrabDoc button.

Final concepts / renders

Below are some extra images of this project and the sci-fi box. The images (decals) I used to texture the final gun and the sci-fi box in Keyshot are a great Sci-fi pack from Munkhjin Otgonbayar that I bought from his ArtStation.

sci-fi box final render:

