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Just in case

Create a comic-style render in ZBrush with a custom material

Tutorial Snapshot.

Tutorial Video.

Quick Overview.

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

Create a comic-style render in ZBrush with a custom material

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

Create a comic-style render in ZBrush with a custom material

A Bit More About This Tutorial.

Final artwroks and other variations

Here is the final version of the concept I rendered from ZBrush:

This is the poster version for a potential cover of a graphic novel:

And another 'vintage' version just for fun:

And this is the final outline before colours:

Collaboration with J. Hill

I also did a collaboration with J. Hill covering some other tips and tricks of the process of creating the final image I showed at the beginning of the video. Here is the link to that collaboration:

