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My Favourite ZBrush 2021.6 features

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Quick Overview.

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Quick Overview.

My Favourite ZBrush 2021.6 features

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

My Favourite ZBrush 2021.6 features

A Bit More About This Tutorial.

Exploring concepts

One of the cool things about the features introduced in 2021.6 update, is that they are well within the space of 'design exploration'. Basically tools like the Mesh splat or the snake curve brushes might not be ideal for very specific things that require more control, but they can be very useful to find shapes and sketch things direcly in ZBrush.

For instance, a really fun way of playing around with the Snake hook brushes (SnakeCurve 4) is to enable Radial Symmetry. I created this quick 'ornament' with just this brush pulling the curve around and letting ZBrush randomebly suggest volumes:

And from that 'blob' I simply created an Alpha to use it on other meshes!

