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Sketching with ZBrush VDMs and Sculptris Pro

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Quick Overview.

Sketching with ZBrush VDMs and Sculptris Pro

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

Sketching with ZBrush VDMs and Sculptris Pro

A Bit More About This Tutorial.

Adapting the resolution of the VDMs

One of the best features added to Sculptris Pro in ZBrush is the ability to use it in combination with VDMs. This means that you can drag a VDM with Sculptris Pro enabled and ZBrush will adjust the amount of generated polygons of the new volume based on the size of your brush.

For instance, if you select the Chisel3D brush that comes with ZBrush, there are a bunch of pre-made assets you can simply click and drag to deform your mesh. Depending on your basement, the resulting mesh after you use the VDM might look a bit ‘blocky’ and that is because by default, the VDMs simply ‘displace’ the existing geometry of your base mesh.

With Sculptris Pro enabled, you can have any resolution on your base mesh and ZBrush will simply adapt the necessary polygons to describe the shape of the VDM! 

You can control the tessellation amount by changing the brush size. A large brush means large polygons and therefore less resolution. A small brush gives you smaller polygons which means more resolution.

A very clear example of how powerful this feature is, is the fact that you can build on top of the VDM you apply… Basically, you can click and drag on your model with a VDM brush (using Sculptris Pro) and generate a new set of polygons for that volume. Then use the VDM again over the newly created section and ZBrush will figure out the topology needed to describe the new volume!

