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ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
May 4, 2022

ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters

In this video, I cover a few tips and tricks to rendering your models inside ZBrush with a single BPR pass and some filters to enhance the look of the image.

let's get started

Tutorial Snapshot.

Tutorial Video.

Quick Overview.

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters

Tutorial Playlist.

Quick Overview.

ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters
ZBrush single render tips with BPR filters

A Bit More About This Tutorial.

Blocking and sculpting the character

Althought this tutorial is more about rendering and materials, I have also covered the blocking and sculpting of the character I use as a demo in the ZBrushLive sessions. You can head over to the 'Live Sessions' page of the ZBGs and browse the gallery to find the related videos but to make it easier for you, here are the two specific sessions about the setup of the character in this tutorial:

Clean up and details:

